"Just like in my DreamWorks song Into A Fantasy, I want you to FLY when you play with this bow. There is no limit to your creativity !" - Alexander Rybak
Alexander Rybak bow for violin - Into A Fantasy
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Inspiriert von Alexander Rybaks DreamWorks-Song In eine Fantasie, dieser Bogen lädt Sie ein, Ihrer Fantasie freien Lauf zu lassen. Seine lila Kunsthaar, bunte Steinakzente, Regenbogenpadund anspruchsvoll Ebenholzfrosch machen ihn zum verspieltesten und optisch beeindruckendsten Bogen der Kollektion. Das leichte Carbon-Stick sorgt für außergewöhnliche Leistung und mühelose Handhabung.
Lassen Sie sich von Into A Fantasy zu Ihrer Kreativität inspirieren und dazu ermutigen, die grenzenlosen Möglichkeiten der Musik zu erkunden.
- Materialien: Carbon-Schläger, violett Synthetikhaar, Ebenholzfrosch
- Einzigartige Funktionen: Buntes Steinauge, passende Platte am Frosch und Regenbogenpolster
- Ideal für: Kreative Darbietungen, soziale Medien und einzigartige musikalische Ausdrucksformen
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Such a pitty that these happy bows don't come in the sizes 1/16 - 1/2
Hello Brigitte!
Thank you for your review! If you have any specific demande about the size of our bow, we invite you to contact us by email, so we can help you as much as we can! 😁
Have a nice day!
The Coruss Team ✨
I love this bow! So light and bouncy. I play it with my electric Yamaha violin and enjoy the response on the strings.
The rosin is also great, just a little is enough to produce a good sound.
Thank you 🙏🏻🎻
Hello Isabelle!
Thank you for your feedback about your bow from the collection with Alexander Rybak! It's a pleasure to read that this bow suits you! If you
record your performance with your electric violin and you Coruss bow, don't hesitate to tag us so we can reshare it! 😍
Have a wonderful day!
The Coruss Team ✨