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Coruss Carbonbogen für Geige
- Preis pro Einheit
- /Pro
Wir bei Coruss haben einen starken, stabilen Bogen entwickelt , der optimalen Spielkomfort bietet.
Die Bogenstange besteht aus Kohlefaser: Sie ist steif und leicht, bietet ein hervorragendes Verhältnis von Festigkeit zu Gewicht und verhindert zudem Verformungen.
Kopfplatte und Frosch bestehen aus Aluminium, einem Material, das so leicht ist, dass es die Balance des Instruments nicht stört.
Coruss-Bogenhaar: Alle unsere Instrumente sind mit Coruss-Bogenhaar, einem synthetischen Roving, bespannt. Diese innovative Faser hat die gleichen Eigenschaften wie Rosshaar und ist darüber hinaus noch widerstandsfähiger, so dass Musiker viele Jahre lang spielen können, ohne ihre Haare zu wechseln. Außerdem sind Coruss-Bogenhaare unempfindlich gegenüber hygrometrischen Schwankungen.
Wir haben uns bewusst dafür entschieden, auf alle tierischen Materialien zu verzichten, die normalerweise bei klassischen Bögen verwendet werden (Perlmutt, Leder...), um hochwertige, 100% vegane Instrumente anbieten zu können.
Pairs well with
Coruss Bogenhaars
Beginnend ab €30,00- Preis pro Einheit
- /Pro
Coruss Kolophonium
€18,00- Preis pro Einheit
- /Pro
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Enjoy free shipping on orders over €200. Receive your item in 72 hours in Europe - in one week all around the world.

Best Sellers
Coruss Carbonbogen für Geige
Beginnend ab €200,00- Preis pro Einheit
- /Pro
Coruss Bogenhaars
Beginnend ab €30,00- Preis pro Einheit
- /Pro
Coruss Kolophonium
€18,00- Preis pro Einheit
- /Pro
As reviewed earlier, the first Coruss bow I received would not allow me to tighten the bow hair properly, I emailed Coruss and after exchanging information Coruss sent me a replacement bow (free of charge), and it works as expected. The screw is still tight and a bit hard to turn, but it gets the job done.
The bow produces a clean, sharp knife edge sound compared to my wooden bow. I like all things carbon fiber--i like appearance of the black CF stick and red hair. In regard to playing, it is light and well balanced. I lent it to a professional, and they were not as pleased with it, basically gave it two strokes and handed it back. It is not as forgiving as my conventional bow, but I carry both in my case. Just in case. Thanks again to Coruss for kindly and quickly resolving the issue I had with the first bow.
Hello Jack! Thank you for your feedback!
We're very sorry you had a problem with your first bow. We're glad to know that our bow suits you! 😊
We wish you wonderful playing moments!
The Coruss Team
An sich bin ich mit dem Bogen sehr zufrieden. Das Einzige, das mir nicht gefällt, sind leichte Nebengeräusche beim Streichen.
Hello Christiane!
Thank you for your feedback! We're glad that you love it! 😊
Have a wonderful day!
The Coruss Team
I am satisfied with my purchase, they are beautiful and have excellent sound stability
Hello Valeria!
Thank you so much for your review! We are happy that you love your bow! 😍
Have a wonderful day and happy holidays!
The Coruss Team
So, from what I can tell it is a good bow. However, for some reason, the bow screw reaches the end of its travel-threads before the bow hair is sufficiently tightened. And so far Coruss has not provided an answer. It is my opinion, as strange as it sounds, that the bow hair is too long for the bow, thus the screw reaches the end of its travel before the hair is sufficiently tightened. But who knows...tic tock
Hello Jack!
Thank you for your feedback, we just answer to you so we can help you! 😊
Have a nice day and happy holidays! ✨
The Coruss Team
From my first impression and experience this bow is incredibly, super comfortable, well built and balanced, also the hair super smooth and grips so well making the experience of playing so perfect. Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity to have it!! Success
Hi Moises!
Thank you so much for your feedback!
We spent years designing our products to bring you the most efficient and comfortable bows, and we’re happy you enjoy them! 😍
Have fun with it!
The Coruss Team ✨